Thursday, July 16, 2015

From The Thoughts of Jermaine Sain: Background Singer/ Artist Workshop with Crissy Collins

From The Thoughts of Jermaine Sain: Background Singer/ Artist Workshop with Crissy Collins I'm trying to get better at sharing the things that are going on in the city of Atlanta, guests on When We Speak, as well as myself.  So I'm covering all three; by talking about what happened on July 11th.  As many of you know, I've had the pleasure of being acquainted with a background singer who has sang with some of the biggest names in entertainment....Crissy Collins!!!   She is a past guest and huge supporter of my show When We Speak.

If that name doesn't ring a bell to you, then you obviously aren't a Beyonce or Tyler Perry fan!!  And you definitely need to check out this interview with her on When We Speak!!!

Crissy Collins has been a background singer for Beyonce for more than 10 plus years and has acted in several Tyler Perry plays!  And that's not all!  She has sang with Kelly Price, Monica, Luther Vandross, and many others.  Recently, I saw pics with Crissy and R. Kelly in the studio, as well as,  of Crissy with Fantasia!!!! I wonder what they are cooking up!?!?   CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT!!!

Well, the reason for today's blog is..... I want to tell you about the Background Vocalist/Artist Workshop that Crissy conducted on July 11th in Atlanta, Georgia.  Crissy is a very busy lady and when she comes home to Atlanta, she's usually back out on the road in a few days, so for her to choose to do a workshop in Atlanta was #SuperAwesome!!! And for her to personally invite me to assist her for her first workshop was #MoreSuperAwesome !!! 
Beyonce Background Singer Crissy Collins

Not only was this an awesome idea, it was also a heart felt action by Crissy Collins.  During the workshop she shared lots of information and music industry stories.  She also shared her heart's desire to help people that are want to get into the entertainment industry.  (That's what my show, When We Speak, is all about so of course, I was sold when she said that!  By the way, if you haven't seen my show, please go and check it out: WATCH WHEN WE SPEAK)

During the workshop, Crissy covered things like microphone technique, image, marketing, headshots, press kits, selecting audition songs, how to get a gig, promotions, finances, networking, and much more. 
In addition, there were two guest speakers that joined the discussion:  Eboni Stephans of ESMV Creative Arts Agency and DJ Blak Magic.
Now of course I can't tell you all the details of the workshop!
ONE.....I was working!
TWO... I'll hoping to see you at the next!!!

However, I will say, that I got a chance to speak with all the attendees of the workshop before it was over and all of them were well pleased with the outcome and provided great feedback for the next one!!!  Hope to see YOU at the next one!!!!
beyonce background singer Jermaine Sain

from When We Speak TV- Videos and Interviews

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